Adopted: March 6, 2016
The name of this organization is Hope 4 Paws: Grant County, legally incorporated under the laws of the state of Oregon as a nonprofit, public benefit corporation and doing business as Hope 4 Paws. New Hope will apply for tax-exempt charitable status under section 501( c) (3) with the IRS.
Vision: Animals living in nurturing, safe homes with people who respect and fulfill their needs. MISSION: Hope 4 Paws: Grant County is dedicated to reducing homeless pet populations and fostering responsible pet ownership.
• Promote spay/neuter of companion dogs and cats and feral cats.
• Implement programs to help stray and abandoned dogs and cats throughout Grant County, enabling them to become adoptable.
• Develop educational opportunities for pet owners that provide a richer, more satisfying life for all.
• Maintain a collaborative, participatory and positive working environment with people and organizations that benefit animals.
Section 1: Annual meeting
The date, time and place of an annual meeting will be set by the Board of Directors. At this meeting, the board will review the previous year’s activities, financial status and plan of action for the coming year. Volunteers will be invited to this meeting to be apprised of the organization’s work.
Section 2: Board of Directors meetings
The Board shall meet monthly. The meeting time, place and agenda will be set, with information made available in advance to board members, advisors and interested parties. Special meetings may be called by the chairman or the majority of the board.
Section 3: Committee meetings
Meetings of committees will be conducted as the need arises to carry out their responsibilities.
Section 4: Minutes of meetings
Board meeting minutes will be reviewed and corrections approved at the next meeting.
Section 1. Number of Board members and terms of office
The Board of Directors shall consist of 5-10 members. The Board may appoint new members by consensus to fill vacant positions.
Board members will be appointed to 1-year or 2-year terms, with staggered terms to assure continuity of the board. Re-appointments will be for 2-year terms. Board positions may be filled at any time a vacancy exists for the remainder of that term.
Each year the Board will elect one member to serve as chairperson. The chair is not a voting member, except in the event of a tie or for appointment of new board members.
The Board shall establish a regular meeting schedule at the first meeting of the year.
Section 2: Role
The Board of Directors will be responsible for the overall policy and direction of the organization, in line with the mission and goals identified above, and the plan of work for the organization through its volunteers and committees.
Section 3: Matters of Business
Business will be conducted via the current Roberts Rules of Order. A quorum of at least two-thirds of the board members must be present to take action via motions. Board members serve without compensation and are not liable for debt and other matters of business conducted within the operating parameters of the organizational goals and objectives. Board members who miss two of six monthly meetings without due cause may result in a board review of their position.
Section 1. Officers and Standing Committees
Officers and committees are responsible for the day-to-day business of the organization, including planning events and activities. Officers are members of the board, and are elected by vote of the board. Committees are appointed by the chair, with approval of the board.
The board officer positions are chair, vice chair, secretary and treasurer.
Section 2. Board Chair
The chair shall preside over board meetings, voting only in the event of a tie, and oversee decisions regarding daily business. The chairperson will make decisions within an approved budget and plan of action approved by the board.
Section 3. Board Vice Chair
In the absence of any other officer, or a vacancy, the vice chair shall temporarily assume those duties. The vice chair is assumed to be next in line for the chairmanship and will work closely with the chair to be knowledgeable about all aspects of the organization. The vice chair will chair at least one committee.
Section 4. Secretary
The secretary is responsible for all correspondence, meeting minutes and files containing approved policies and procedures. Files will be maintained by the secretary and made available to board members for review. Minutes, policies and other documents shall constitute the organization’s record. The secretary will oversee public relations via newsletters, press releases and other community outreach.
Section 5. Treasurer
The treasurer works with the board and any retained financial assistant to oversee the finances of the organization, the development of budgets, and the payment of all debts and obligations in a timely manner. The treasurer will track expenses and revenue to keep the board apprised of its resources, monitor the bank account, and provide information to the affiliated organization that will prepare the Form 990 or other tax filings.
Section 6. Committees
The Board shall appoint committees as needed to fulfill the mission, with seven standing committees for the following areas: Finance, Fundraising, Spay/Neuter, TNR, Dog, Cat, and Volunteer. Committees will report to the Board, with updates as needed at monthly meetings.
• Finance Committee – Develops budgets and tracks spending, works with committees and vet clinic on billing.
• Fundraising – Plans and implements fundraising activities within a board approved plan.
• Spay/Neuter– Manages spay and neuter assistance and education efforts within board-approved plans and funding.
• TNR– Manages the feral cat TNR program within board-approved plans and funding.
• Cat – Manages the spay, foster efforts for cats as approved by the board.
• Dog – Manages the stray, surrender, foster and placement efforts for dogs as approved by the board.
• Volunteer – Recruits and manages volunteers of the organization.
The Board of Directors may authorize any officer or agent to enter into a contract or execute and deliver any instrument in the name of or on behalf of Hope 4 Paws: Grant County, unless otherwise restricted by law. Such authority may be general or confined to specific instances.
Any member of the Board of Directors, officer or committee member who has a financial, personal or official interest in, or conflict, or appearance of a conflict with any matter associated with the business of Hope 4 Paws shall step down from serving in that capacity indefinitely or until such time as it has been demonstrated that the conflict of interest no longer exists. The individual may alleviate a minor, transitory concern simply by abstaining from voting or participating in the discussion or playing an influential role in that matter.
Procedures of each committee will be documented by the committee chairs and approved by the board. Approved policies will be maintained by the secretary of the board, and available to all members and volunteers.
These Bylaws shall become effective upon being signed and dated by the Board of Directors of Hope 4 Paws: Grant County.
Adopted: March 6, 2016
The name of this organization is Hope 4 Paws: Grant County, legally incorporated under the laws of the state of Oregon as a nonprofit, public benefit corporation and doing business as Hope 4 Paws. New Hope will apply for tax-exempt charitable status under section 501( c) (3) with the IRS.
Vision: Animals living in nurturing, safe homes with people who respect and fulfill their needs. MISSION: Hope 4 Paws: Grant County is dedicated to reducing homeless pet populations and fostering responsible pet ownership.
• Promote spay/neuter of companion dogs and cats and feral cats.
• Implement programs to help stray and abandoned dogs and cats throughout Grant County, enabling them to become adoptable.
• Develop educational opportunities for pet owners that provide a richer, more satisfying life for all.
• Maintain a collaborative, participatory and positive working environment with people and organizations that benefit animals.
Section 1: Annual meeting
The date, time and place of an annual meeting will be set by the Board of Directors. At this meeting, the board will review the previous year’s activities, financial status and plan of action for the coming year. Volunteers will be invited to this meeting to be apprised of the organization’s work.
Section 2: Board of Directors meetings
The Board shall meet monthly. The meeting time, place and agenda will be set, with information made available in advance to board members, advisors and interested parties. Special meetings may be called by the chairman or the majority of the board.
Section 3: Committee meetings
Meetings of committees will be conducted as the need arises to carry out their responsibilities.
Section 4: Minutes of meetings
Board meeting minutes will be reviewed and corrections approved at the next meeting.
Section 1. Number of Board members and terms of office
The Board of Directors shall consist of 5-10 members. The Board may appoint new members by consensus to fill vacant positions.
Board members will be appointed to 1-year or 2-year terms, with staggered terms to assure continuity of the board. Re-appointments will be for 2-year terms. Board positions may be filled at any time a vacancy exists for the remainder of that term.
Each year the Board will elect one member to serve as chairperson. The chair is not a voting member, except in the event of a tie or for appointment of new board members.
The Board shall establish a regular meeting schedule at the first meeting of the year.
Section 2: Role
The Board of Directors will be responsible for the overall policy and direction of the organization, in line with the mission and goals identified above, and the plan of work for the organization through its volunteers and committees.
Section 3: Matters of Business
Business will be conducted via the current Roberts Rules of Order. A quorum of at least two-thirds of the board members must be present to take action via motions. Board members serve without compensation and are not liable for debt and other matters of business conducted within the operating parameters of the organizational goals and objectives. Board members who miss two of six monthly meetings without due cause may result in a board review of their position.
Section 1. Officers and Standing Committees
Officers and committees are responsible for the day-to-day business of the organization, including planning events and activities. Officers are members of the board, and are elected by vote of the board. Committees are appointed by the chair, with approval of the board.
The board officer positions are chair, vice chair, secretary and treasurer.
Section 2. Board Chair
The chair shall preside over board meetings, voting only in the event of a tie, and oversee decisions regarding daily business. The chairperson will make decisions within an approved budget and plan of action approved by the board.
Section 3. Board Vice Chair
In the absence of any other officer, or a vacancy, the vice chair shall temporarily assume those duties. The vice chair is assumed to be next in line for the chairmanship and will work closely with the chair to be knowledgeable about all aspects of the organization. The vice chair will chair at least one committee.
Section 4. Secretary
The secretary is responsible for all correspondence, meeting minutes and files containing approved policies and procedures. Files will be maintained by the secretary and made available to board members for review. Minutes, policies and other documents shall constitute the organization’s record. The secretary will oversee public relations via newsletters, press releases and other community outreach.
Section 5. Treasurer
The treasurer works with the board and any retained financial assistant to oversee the finances of the organization, the development of budgets, and the payment of all debts and obligations in a timely manner. The treasurer will track expenses and revenue to keep the board apprised of its resources, monitor the bank account, and provide information to the affiliated organization that will prepare the Form 990 or other tax filings.
Section 6. Committees
The Board shall appoint committees as needed to fulfill the mission, with seven standing committees for the following areas: Finance, Fundraising, Spay/Neuter, TNR, Dog, Cat, and Volunteer. Committees will report to the Board, with updates as needed at monthly meetings.
• Finance Committee – Develops budgets and tracks spending, works with committees and vet clinic on billing.
• Fundraising – Plans and implements fundraising activities within a board approved plan.
• Spay/Neuter– Manages spay and neuter assistance and education efforts within board-approved plans and funding.
• TNR– Manages the feral cat TNR program within board-approved plans and funding.
• Cat – Manages the spay, foster efforts for cats as approved by the board.
• Dog – Manages the stray, surrender, foster and placement efforts for dogs as approved by the board.
• Volunteer – Recruits and manages volunteers of the organization.
The Board of Directors may authorize any officer or agent to enter into a contract or execute and deliver any instrument in the name of or on behalf of Hope 4 Paws: Grant County, unless otherwise restricted by law. Such authority may be general or confined to specific instances.
Any member of the Board of Directors, officer or committee member who has a financial, personal or official interest in, or conflict, or appearance of a conflict with any matter associated with the business of Hope 4 Paws shall step down from serving in that capacity indefinitely or until such time as it has been demonstrated that the conflict of interest no longer exists. The individual may alleviate a minor, transitory concern simply by abstaining from voting or participating in the discussion or playing an influential role in that matter.
Procedures of each committee will be documented by the committee chairs and approved by the board. Approved policies will be maintained by the secretary of the board, and available to all members and volunteers.
These Bylaws shall become effective upon being signed and dated by the Board of Directors of Hope 4 Paws: Grant County.